Barakallah1 to your Teacher!
By Uzeir Hajibekov
Our department received a letter from Shushi. The letter told about unprecedented progress in the study of the Turkic language and shariah at one of the old "ishkolas" 2…
It would be better if I give the picture following from the letter's content for the reader to view it for himself.
Turkic language teacher (comes into the classroom): Yees, well, how are you, what news do you have? And where is the half of the students?
Student: They have gone to the market, mirza 3,they have things to do.
Teacher: Very well, Hasan, go, sonny, and buy a pack of cigarettes for me from the dukkan44.
One student: But look, don’t steal a cigarette on the way!
Teacher: Stop slandering people, ay gada5, Allah will punish you in the other world. You did not learn your lesson last time, most likely you do not know your lesson today either?
One of the students: Do you have any news about the war, mirza? They say that a new cavalry is being gathered in Karabakh. When will this war be over?
Teacher (with irritation): How should I know, “Rahmatlik oglu?”6, I can’t read and write in Russian, I can’t read newspapers. You must be better aware than I, you at least know “ishto-mishto”7.
One of the students: Don’t start an empty talk again, mirza, our lesson is abandoned again and the result is that we do not know diddly-squat at the exam.
Teacher: Oh, don’t you see that these scoundrels (pointing to the students) do not let me conduct the lesson?
Another student: Oh, but who ever looks at the Turkic language at the exam? If you do well in the exam in Russian, then you will pass, but if you do bad, then you will not pass even if you are a mollah in Muslim.
Another student: If he has sufficient courage, let the mirza just try to give me a bad “atmetka”8 at the “examin”9.
One of the students: What will you do?
The same student: The mirza knows what I will do.
Teacher: Don’t talk nonsense, ada10, open your books, let us read our lesson.
Student: Don’t bother in vain, mirza, the “izvanok”11 will ring now.
One of the students (starts singing mugham loudly):
Shabbasti shahidi shami sharabi-shirini
Ganimat ast ki, basi rui-dustan bini12
Students: Mehraba, mehraba13, well done!
Teacher: Shout a little quieter, ay gada, your voice can be heard in the neighboring classrooms.
The door opens at that moment, an Armenian student from the classroom next door comes in and says, “Our teacher strongly asks you to stop that noise. You hinder us from learning the Armenian grammar…”
(silence falls)…
One of the students: He is right, yes. We do not learn, but we should not hinder the others.
Teacher: I tell you for the nth time, ada, open your books!
The “izvanok” rings at that moment and the lesson ends…
This is how the Turkic language and shariah are studied at that school. There is no need to be surprised that school graduates, trying to read an easy text in some book in Turkic, stammer so often that the listeners have nothing else to do but waggle their heads and say…“Barakallah to your Teacher!”