
Happy childhood in spirit of hate
Tomorrow the hatred will concern you


Song from children's performance "Khojaly"
By Zerengiz Gayali
Children's theater "Gunay"

Word-for-word translation of small excerpts from poem "Javab ver" – "Answer" voiced on the stage by children

These barbarians and beasts
Swept like a hurricane
Across my native land,
They stained my homeland with red blood
Within one night,
“Tgha,” “aghjik,” “hayastan”1
Wandering about the world since the beginning of time,
There was a time when at the gates of my grandfathers
They asked for a cookie,
Changing their skin, looking for a benefit,
But now they have become impudent like filthy dogs,
Moving from Iran and Turkey,
They found home in my country,
And now they do not acknowledge me,
My country. My land. They say,
With one hand, he slaughters the Turks,
And with the other, he shouts: “The Turks are butchers,”
Their lie and slander do not fit
Between the heaven and the earth,
While eating my bread,
The Ermeni lies recklessly,
My country. My land,
Get out of here, Muslim,
Sitting on my land,
They drive me away from it,
Does the miserable gavur say this?
The beggar aghjik?
There was a time when she walked with a bag, 
In a shabby dress,
Working for us,
My grandfathers, begs, khans
Disdained them,
Or have they forgotten the past?
When it rained,
Our elders instructed
That the dirty Armenians
Should not walk on the roads where there is water,
So that their feet would not defile
Our lakes and springs,
And so that the Muslims would not stain themselves
With the dirty gavurs,
As the Armenians are used to living
In dirtiness and filth.
But now they are on a horse
As the law is in their hands,
They have money, weapons
And a long tongue
As “Misha” is behind them.

Full text of the poem
Preserved copy

1Armenian – "boy," "girl," "Armenia"
