
Happy childhood in spirit of hate
Tomorrow the hatred will concern you

Literature (prose and poetry)

Review of book Khale, by Alisahib Erogul
By Gazanfar Kazimov and Masud Mahmudov

The topic of Karabakh, a great disaster of the Azerbaijani people, the most topical subject in contemporary fiction and journalism, is considered the most important and influential means for bringing up the rising generation in the spirit of hatred for the enemy and love for the homeland.

Regrettably, there are few valuable works on that topic capable of familiarizing our children with the sickening face of our unbridled neighbors.

From that perspective, the stories of writer and publicist Alisahib Erogul, written with talent and capabilities characteristic of him, aim to reflect the struggle and courage of our people.

As of today, Alisahib Erogul's book is the most voluminous and detailed work written in emotional language, having a great power of influence and educational significance. The stories, written in emotional and effective language, attract and lead the reader and strengthen the hatred for the Armenians in children. These stories can have an invaluable and incomparable role in the military and patriotic upbringing of the youth.

Now, we consider it expedient and useful to publish the storybook by Alisahib Erogul with the stamp of the Ministry of Education as an additional teaching aid for comprehensive school students.

Gazanfar Kazimov, Doctor of Philology, professor
Masud Mahmudov, Doctor of Philology, professor, deputy director of Institute of Linguistics after Nasimi under the National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan





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